Last update: Sunday, 03 November 2024

scientific Committee - Fifth session 2019-2023

Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee Investment and Financial Resources Committee

committee tasks
1- Follow-up of the Center's investments, approving balanced investment policies, developing the investment model and following up on its implementation to ensure achieving the best returns.
2- Defining and approving policies and rules for investing and managing the founders’ funds and following up on their implementation after they are approved by the Board of Trustees and approved by the Founders’ Assembly.
3- Reviewing the returns of the center’s investments and portfolios on a regular basis, and submitting reports to the Board of Trustees.
4- Proposing new investment opportunities to develop the center’s revenues
5- The committee has the right to seek assistance from any expertise it deems necessary to facilitate its tasks.
6- Exercising any other powers delegated to it by the Board of Trustees, Investment and Financial Resources Committee, Investment and Financial Resources Committee, Investment and Financial Resources Committee, Investment and Financial Resources Committee, Investment and Financial Resources Committee, Investment and Financial Resources Committee, Investment and Financial Resources Committee
Course title
Fifth session


From year:
Committee Members
Member Position
Mohammed Abdullah
Omar Abdullah