Last update: Sunday, 03 November 2024

Signed Language Interpreters: What do we need to do to be true allies of the Deaf Community?

This four-day introductory workshop is designed for people who already know Saudi Arabian Sign Language and want to become sign language interpreters or are already working as interpreters. We will look at the skills and attributes needed to be an effective interpreter, and an effective collaborator with the Deaf community. We will explore the following topics: what is the role of an interpreter and how do models such as ally and collaborator impact our work? How do interpreters make ethical decisions with members of the interpreting and Deaf community? How do interpreters decide to use consecutive or simultaneous interpreting within a given interpretation? How do interpreters continue to learn and grow in order to better serve the Deaf community? How do we work effectively in teams, including Deaf interpreter teams? The workshop will blend large and small group practical sessions with the relevant theory and content.

The workshop is limited to 30 participants.





English, Arabic, and Saudi Arabian Sign Language.

target audience

Saudi Sign Language Interpreters who are already fluent in Saudi Arabian Sign Language and work as interpreters.


Dr Debra Russell , Liz Scott Gibson , Jonas Carlsson

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