آخر تحديث: الأحد, 03 نوفمبر 2024

Capacity building of Saudi deaf leaders and associations


To equip the participants with basic leadership skills and a good understanding of the purpose of a deaf association within the framework of the UN CRPD and rights based advocacy, the medical vs. the social model of disability vis-à-vis charity based or rights based approach to the work of the association. To be able to understand the division of role and responsibilities of the board members and the different personal characters to work effectively as a team. To get an understanding of conflict management and resolution. To be able to use Octagon as an analysis tool to identify the need of capacity building within own association.


12-15 deaf representatives from the different parts of KSA with equal gender distribution from 3 local associations. The workshop will be closed (limited number of participants)




Saudi Sign Language & International Signs


Kasper Bergmann

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